

Consultation with orthopaedist 50€
- students and retired 35€
Follow up consultation with orthopaedist25€
- students and retired 20€
Consultation with sports medicine specialist40€
Consultation with physiotherapist45€
- Consultation with sports medicine specialist50€
Hand therapist consultation (45-60 minutes)35€
Kinesio taping15€
* Conditions of follow up consultation with physiotherapist agreed after first visit


Joint puncture
Intra-articular injection with medication 13€ - 15€
Durolane hyaluronic acid procedure, 1 injection 240€
Synvisc hyaluronic acid procedure, 1 injection
– 2 ml120€
– 4ml195€
– 6ml255€
Renehavis 1 injection 130€


  • Doctor’s consultation and advice
  • ECG
  • spirography
  • blood tests*

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  • Doctor’s consultation and advice
  • ECG
  • stress test
  • spirography
  • blood tests*
  • Doctor’s consultation and advice
  • ECG
  • stress test
  • Cardiopulmonary stress test (including VO2max,
    aerobic level and anaerobic level)
  • blood tests*
  • spirography
  • blood tests*
  • Pulmonological stress test for effort asthma
  • Advice

Package 3+ 180 euros
Measuring basal metabolic rate

*Blood tests:

Package 1 and 2 (haemogram, creatinine and erythrocyte sediment rate). Package 3 (haemogram, creatinine, ferritin, Mg and erythrocyte sediment rate). In addition to the analyses in the main packages, other analyses can also be done. Price list and information: https://synlab.ee/hinnakiri/

**Test includes lactate measurements four times. Every additional lactate measurement costs €4.

Hinnakiri Id Kaart


ECG: €10

Hinnakiri Smartpost

Spirography €10


Measuring basal metabolic rate: €30

*Kõikide teenuste puhul kujuneb lõpphind peale objektiga tutvumist.
*Puhastustöödele Harjumaal on hinnad kokkuleppel.
*Tallinnast väljaspool olevatele objektidele lisandub hinnale 0,40 € +KM kilomeetri pealt.
*Hindadele lisandub käibemaks.

Omniva Hinnakiri

NB! Hinnakiri on informatiivse otstarbega- objektiga lähemalt tutvumisel võib lõplik tööde hind erineda kodulehe hinnakirjast!

Kodu kuni 75 m²
Hooldus 4 x kuus = 180 € (45 €/kord)
Hooldus 2 x kuus = 110 € (55 €/kord)
Hooldus 1 x kuus = alates 55€ – 75€
Suurpuhastus = alates 90€ – 150€
*ei sisalda akende pesu

Kodu kuni 150 m²
Hooldus 4 x kuus = 240 € (60 €/kord)
Hooldus 2 x kuus = 140 € (70 €/kord)
Hooldus 1 x kuus = alates 70€ – 110€
Suurpuhastus = alates 130€ – 210€
*ei sisalda akende pesu

Kodu kuni 200 m²
Hooldus 4 x kuus = 360 € (90 €/kord)
Hooldus 2 x kuus = 260€ (130€/kord)
Hooldus 1 x kuus = alates 120€ – 165€
Suurpuhastus = alates 270€ – 370€
*ei sisalda akende pesu

Akende pesu hind kokkuleppel

Hinnakiri Omniva

Täpse ja detailse pakkumuse saamiseks palun konsulteerige meie klienditeenindusega!

Hinnakiri Swedbank

Alates 200 m² kodude puhul on hinnad kokkuleppel!

Eripuhastustööd- kokkuleppel

Laulasmaa Spa Hinnakiri

NB! Minimaalne tellimuse hind on 45 €