- Busy Philipps
- Busy Toddler
- Busybox
- Busy Signal
Busybusy is the easy-to-use, free time tracking app that construction crews LOVE. Time card headaches and time card arguments are finally over. Busey provides an array of banking services across Illinois, Missouri, Indianapolis and south west Florida. Another word for busy. Find more ways to say busy, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Busy, Doubs, a commune in France; Busy, Kentucky; People. Busy (musician) (born 1984), American electronic musician Everett M. 'Busy' Arnold (1899–1974), American comic books entrepreneur 'Busy Bee', Busy Bee Starski (born 1962), American rapper Busy P, the stage name of the French DJ Pedro Winter; Busy Philipps (born 1979), American film actress; Arts.

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Synonyms for busy
Busy Philipps
occupied with
- occupied with
- engaged in
- employed in
- preoccupied with
- absorbed in
- immersed in
- hard at work
- engrossed in
- on active service
- hard at work on
busy yourself
- occupy yourself
- be engrossed
- immerse yourself
- involve yourself
- amuse yourself
- absorb yourself
- employ yourself
- engage yourself
- keep busy or occupied
Synonyms for busy
involved in activity or work
excessively filled with detail
to make busy
Synonyms for busy
keep busy with
Related Words
actively or fully engaged or occupied
overcrowded or cluttered with detail
Related Words
intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
crowded with or characterized by much activity
(of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability
Related Words
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Busy Toddler
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Busy Signal
Browse our database of 17,300 free printable worksheets and lesson plans for teaching English. No matter if you teach kids or adults, beginners or advanced students - BusyTeacher will save you hours in preparation time. No registration required.top worksheets today Looking for something fresh for your class? See what's popular with other busy teachers right now! Make A Word Search:Create awesome-looking custom word searches in seconds! Make A Word Scramble:Instantly create custom word/sentence scrambles for your class! Make A Double Puzzle:Generate double puzzles your students will love - hours of fun! Dramatically improve the way you teach & save hours of lesson prep time every week | Latest ESL articles for busy teachers:Teaching Capitals As with all rules in grammar, capitalization helps to convey a clear meaning. The purpose of capitalization is to portray the importance of different words to the reader. For example, the phrase “The White House.” could be interpreted as the house the President of the United States of America lives in, whereas a reader could construe “the white house” as any white house. Teac ... 8,946Linking Verbs List with Worksheets In this article, we will discuss a type of verb that describes a state of being. These verbs are referred to as Linking, Helping, or Auxiliary verbs. Unlike typical verbs, these “to be” verbs don’t have to denote action and don’t have any meaning on their own. These verbs (linking verbs) gets their name because they connect the subject with the rest of the sentence. ... 10,076Likes and Dislikes Worksheet Roundup Likes and dislikes are - arguably - the most important topic to teach anyone how to navigate. This skill allows us to express feelings about what’s going on, appropriately stand up for ourselves, and the ability to share thoughts, opinions, and ideas ranging from where to hang a painting to a new invention.Beyond that, it helps us get to know other people and allows them to understand us ... 10,461Inference Worksheets for ESL Students As students advance through their ESL journey, they often acquire good reading and comprehension skills, at least on the surface. However, they often lack inferential reading skills to find answers and formulate ideas from clues and prior knowledge rather than directly. Being able to spot unstated suppositions is critical to comprehension as a whole. Teaching inference isn’t easy, but it is a va ... 8,114Irregular Verb Resources: 21 Fantastic Exercises If you have your lesson plan, but you’re struggling with the materials to bring it to life, you’re in the right place. Below we’ve hand-picked 21 of our favorite irregular verb resources that are fun and engaging for your class.Looking for something more traditional? We love this irregular verb worksheet, or you can check out the whole worksheet collection here. Irregular ... 13,685Synonyms And Antonyms Worksheets That Helps Build VocabularyBuilding an extensive vocabulary is essential to learning and becoming fluent in a new language. Learning synonyms and Antonyms are great ways to help students quickly expand their vocabulary. We have rounded up a list of synonyms and antonyms worksheets, quizzes, and activities that would help students at various levels build their vocabulary. Let’s jump right in.Synonyms And Antonyms ... 11,487Story Writing ElementsWhen it comes to teaching your students the elements of story writing, it’s easy to start piling too much on. There are so many minute facets to the craft. From arcs, themes, subplots, dimensions, conflict to dialogue, world-building, and… But this blog post isn’t aimed at teaching high-school level story building. It’s aimed to give you resources and practical ti ... 8,384 |