Euro Headers Fun In Ict

Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Let's talk header types. If you look closely at the top of curtains (a.k.a. The header), you'll notice that some are pinched at the top while others are strung through the rod itself. ‘Its also pretty fun to see the boss take a header and spill soda all over himself’ ‘The first time the tot does a header into the wall, you want to die.’ ‘She nearly took a header down the stairs, but managed to regain her balance, grabbing the railing in her hand and making sure to pay more attention now.’. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.


  • 1Soccer
    A shot or pass made with the head.

    ‘Neuville flashes in fabulous cross but Klose - who's scored all five of his World Cup goals from headers - somehow hits the post from about five yards with - you've guessed it - his head.’
    • ‘Ellison's goal-bound shot was well saved by Wilson, who then tipped over a stoppage-time header from Danny Collins.’
    • ‘The keeper saved his header from a free kick, while another shot fizzed just past the post.’
    • ‘When it came to scoring goals, from long-range, from headers, overhead kicks, close in poachers, Law was a genius when it came to putting a ball in the back of the net.’
    • ‘I've actually scored three goals with my head and I don't usually score three headers throughout an entire season.’
  • 2informal A headlong fall or dive.

    • ‘Its also pretty fun to see the boss take a header and spill soda all over himself’
    • ‘The first time the tot does a header into the wall, you want to die.’
    • ‘She nearly took a header down the stairs, but managed to regain her balance, grabbing the railing in her hand and making sure to pay more attention now.’
    • ‘Later, I realized my arm was sore because I did a header down the marble staircase at the old Roosevelt Hotel.’
    • ‘Horrified by the thought of seeing grandma take a header down the stairs then get run over by a piano?’
    • ‘Plus I was far less likely to further injure myself by taking a header down yet another flight of stairs.’
  • 3A brick or stone laid at right angles to the face of a wall.

    ‘The water flowed across an active oxidation area to wet the stone header over the top of the window opening, before pooling on the drywall soffit at the head of the window below.’
    • ‘The bricks are laid in alternate pairs of headers and stretchers.’
    • ‘The first visible layer or course consists almost entirely of marble slabs laid as headers that span the entire thickness of the wall.’
    • ‘The Flemish bond brickwork with decoratively glazed headers recalls colonial architectural details.’
    • ‘A Flemish bond is created by courses of alternating stretchers and headers, with every header centered over a stretcher above and below.’
    • ‘Like Buck's Store and Dougherty's Tavern, the Custom House is laid in a Flemish bond with glazed headers.’
    • ‘Flemish bond uses alternating headers and stretchers in each course.’
    • ‘Missing from the Georgian facade are the earlier vernacular features of glazed headers, segmental arch windows, and a belt course.’
    • ‘The headers also fall on center of stretchers and head joints in adjacent courses.’
    • ‘The visible brickwork is neatly laid, and vertical alignment on the headers is maintained in the six-course repetition.’
  • 4A line or block of text appearing at the top of each page of a book or document.

    ‘One way to achieve this look is to create new paragraphs every few sentences and to interrupt long blocks of text with headers, bullet points or photos.’
    • ‘And running headers on each recto page in the catalogue sections could have supplied window numbers.’
    • ‘Organize information in a way that it would make sense to algorithms (using keyword rich page titles, headers and subheaders).’
    • ‘You may have noticed the running header for these pages: Late Antiquity.’
    • ‘You can search for any text or for words that appear in certain headers.’
    • ‘Also, the print preview shows headers, like the page title and URL, which do not appear when the pages are printed.’
    • ‘In March she was assigned to Ellington Field, Texas (the book's headers and index anachronistically refer to it as Ellington Air Force Base).’
    • ‘Other programs more directly geared to the Semantic Web provide ways in which RDF and ontological data may be easily created and stored in the headers of the document.’
    • ‘You ‘chunk’ your text, style your headers, optimize for search terms.’
    • ‘There are pages with headers such as, ‘What has been done to the children?’’
    • ‘Back then, people had very light webpages, often with only a couple pictures consisting of animated gif horizontal line breaks and list headers.’
    • ‘It counts forging headers, misleading subject lines or falsely claiming an email was requested as the defining characteristics of spam.’
    • ‘Notes at the back have headers showing to which pages the notes correspond, a great convenience when searching for an elusive reference.’
    • ‘A request consists of a request line followed by any headers.’
    • ‘There are up to six levels of headers in an html document.’
    • ‘Again, one file change can put a little red nose next to all of your headers, turn the text red and even make them display in a silly typeface.’
    • ‘For some that meant moving from writing each idea on a separate line to using headers and underlining vocabulary words.’
    • ‘That single line in the header of your E-mail is valuable advertising space; it separates you from thousands of other job seekers.’
    • ‘The header of the site has a blue and red design that hints at a furling flag.’
    • ‘I can spot them from miles away: Random characters, tricky headers, too-generic or too-specific subject lines.’
    1. 4.1The part of an email before the message, containing information such as the subject and sender.
      ‘every email message needs a header indicating the sender's identity and address’
      • ‘With a little finesse, almost anyone can manipulate the header information on e-mail to disguise its true origin.’
      • ‘This setting indicates how many recipients may be addressed in the header of a single message.’
      • ‘Make a link to your email address in your header or footer, somewhere that will show up on every page.’
      • ‘Mail should always have a subject header that reflects the content of the message.’
      • ‘Spammers simply take legitimate addresses and put them in the 'From:' address in a message header.’
      • ‘Infected messages normally come with a subject header containing a single space character and an infected attachment.’
      • ‘When a piece of mail arrives, based on selected criteria, like subject, date, header, etc., you can attach an action to it.’
      • ‘I clicked on the header information in my email window (the from, to, subject stuff) and holding down the mouse, selected the whole message.’
      • ‘E-Mail etiquette requires some kind of signature at the end of a message, despite the header that appears with each incoming item.’
      • ‘Check the mail header; did the original message come from the listserv or from an individual?’
      • ‘If you are reporting spam or abusive e-mail, we require the full email header to investigate the complaint.’
      • ‘A closer look at the e-mails' header information shows all the messages come from compromised Yahoo accounts.’
      • ‘In your e-mail header, include something unique to the recipient that's therefore unlikely to be in a spam message.’
      • ‘Most email tools scan the header of an email to see if the sender is spoofing.’
  • 5

    A raised tank of water maintaining pressure in a plumbing system.
    ‘The purifiers that stopped water entering the service tank from the header tank were working, so the contamination must have come from somewhere else.’
    • ‘Repairs were carried out to the header tank, the plumbing, the electrics and the ceiling and the pub re-opened without a hitch on Friday.’
    • ‘The coolant in the radiator header tank should have a mix of water and anti-freeze, typically 50 / 50.’
    • ‘Conventional boilers heat up a store of water using a hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard and a header tank somewhere high - usually the loft.’
    • ‘It was found that the water was leaking from a header tank in the roof.’
    • ‘I can't even remember if the problem to do with the header tank and the problem to do with the ballcock stop valve were connected, physically or metaphorically.’
    • ‘One investigation is trying to establish how a header tank - used to store oil for engines that lower the anchor - was mysteriously drained.’
    • ‘High-performance exhaust systems use headers, big tail pipes and free-flowing mufflers to eliminate back-pressure in the exhaust system.’
    • ‘Garden hoses connected to faucets at the front and back of our house deliver water to the supply hoses, also called mains or headers.’
    • ‘And, thanks to an old boyfriend, the car is outfitted with new intake valves, headers, a fancy exhaust system and a fuel pressure regulator, to name a few things.’
    • ‘A water release valve is connected between a header of the aftercooler and an unloader pressure line connected to the governor.’
    • ‘Mr. Tytherleigh's report states clearly that both the cold water storage tanks and the central heating header tanks were situated in the roof void.’
    • ‘It's most designers who think they can throw up a few walls that include four bedrooms and two and a half baths and let the builder worry about whether the headers are in the floor system or take up the entire family room ceiling.’
    • ‘The oil pan, headers, transmission crossmember, and transmission shield didn't fit.’
    • ‘Not long ago, teams fashioned their engines from junkyard castoff engine blocks, and a good length of plumbing pipe made a nifty set of headers.’
    • ‘That's because flow-based systems look only at the packet headers.’
    • ‘And their tanks are rainwater tanks and so the amount of water they receive from our header tanks is basically just enough to subsist on until the next big rain event.’
    • ‘Essentially, they are just storage header tanks.’
  • 6North American A person who ropes a steer by its head (as opposed to its heels), especially in a team-roping rodeo event.

    • ‘the steer ran straight and the header made a good catch’
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Flick Headers: Euro 2012 is a fun and addicting soccer head-tennis game where you have to play against the computer in a quirky one-on-one game of ‘football tennis’. You don’t have to score goals, or show off fancy flicks, you simply have to head the ball back and forth over a highly-placed net – landing it on the opponent’s side to score! This delightfully simple 1-player game follows the tournament structure of Euro 2012 – you can compete as a player from any one of your favorite European football super-heavyweights such as Spain, Italy, Germany or Portugal. It’s an even playing field (each team has one player per side), so even weaker nations have a chance!

This funny ball game will really test your quick reactions, as you have to dash around on your side of the net to make sure you keep the ball off the ground. There are also cool power-ups to collect, and fun animations that are brought to life by the eccentric graphics. Are you ready to lead your chosen country to Flick Header glory? Good, it’s time to ‘get your head in the game’!

How to Play: First, you have to choose the country you want to play as (it can be any one of the 16 teams that competed in the Euro 2012 soccer tournament). Each match-up lasts for 90 seconds (2 halves of 45 seconds each). In that time, you have to score as many points as possible by making the ball land on your opponent’s side of the net. You can move your player using your computer mouse or the Arrow Keys on your keyboard. If you are using your mouse, the player follows the movement of your cursor. Left Click to make him jump into the air. If using the Arrow Keys, hit Left and Right to move, and the Up Arrow to jump.

The ball will bounce into the air if it hits off your head – but you get a better shot from a jumping header. You are allowed to head the ball 3 times on your side of the net. If you head it more than three times, it’s a ‘Foul’ – and your opponent scores a point. Coins appear in the air at different intervals. Head the ball at them to earn these Coins, which can then be used to purchase Power-ups. These Power-ups include a Trampoline to help the ball stay in the air, a Helmet to give you a stronger shot and a bigger head, and more. You can purchase them during or after the match, depending on the amount of Coins you have. Click on the icons at the bottom of the game screen if you have enough to purchase a Power-up.

Euro Headers Fun In Ict Past

If a match finishes as a draw – it goes to Extra-time, where one point wins the game for either team. Keep winning your matches to advance through the Group Stages and into the Knockout Phase. Try to get all the way to the Final for your chance to win the Flick Header Championship.

If this Flash-based game no longer works on IE11 or Chrome browser on your PC / MAC, try playing Firefox browser with Adobe Flash player installed.

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Euro Headers Fun In Ict
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